Shaun Deane coming in from Brattleboro, Vermont ex-Boulder Creek resident (moved there 6 months before Loma Preita earthquake - wahoo). Loving this content - such a panacea in these crayzee times. Thanks to my old friend Mike Liebhold from Tunitas Creek for making the rec. Wonderful to be woodworking in the basement and feeling like I'm in California. Thank you!!
John "Sparky Jack" Cavalieri here in Loomis California. right next to Auburn and about 35 miles east of Sacramento. Fathead from way back in its inception and KPIG listener since its beginning. I was a broadcaster with KKUP on Saturday mornings once a month with a KPIG/KFAT style show. Learned radio from Cuz'n Al and a few others. I think I heard about your station from David Neilson. Love tuning in and hearing all the great stuff you play! Like to stop by and say Hi nest time I go thru Elko if that's ok? Thanks. John
Hello from the California central valley... Sounding better every day. (Original reference, KFAT Gilroy) Always enjoy "it" more with live comment,(of course)! - In the hole, the valley, that is! - Roachley! 😎
Sandy from Irvine, CA here. I'm an old kpig listener and learned about this station from other Pigs, including Sharon, Tom, Jim, Bob etc... You've been getting good press!
Jackson,CA. Rancho Deluxe
Shaun Deane coming in from Brattleboro, Vermont ex-Boulder Creek resident (moved there 6 months before Loma Preita earthquake - wahoo). Loving this content - such a panacea in these crayzee times. Thanks to my old friend Mike Liebhold from Tunitas Creek for making the rec. Wonderful to be woodworking in the basement and feeling like I'm in California. Thank you!!
Bryan here
Coming in loud and clear on the White
John "Sparky Jack" Cavalieri here in Loomis California. right next to Auburn and about 35 miles east of Sacramento. Fathead from way back in its inception and KPIG listener since its beginning. I was a broadcaster with KKUP on Saturday mornings once a month with a KPIG/KFAT style show. Learned radio from Cuz'n Al and a few others. I think I heard about your station from David Neilson. Love tuning in and hearing all the great stuff you play! Like to stop by and say Hi nest time I go thru Elko if that's ok? Thanks. John
Hello from the California central valley... Sounding better every day. (Original reference, KFAT Gilroy) Always enjoy "it" more with live comment,(of course)! - In the hole, the valley, that is! - Roachley! 😎
Sandy from Irvine, CA here. I'm an old kpig listener and learned about this station from other Pigs, including Sharon, Tom, Jim, Bob etc... You've been getting good press!
Greetings from Chelsea Michigan! Followed some folks from KPIG over here.
Jim told me about this station also. Good thing too. I'm about to move from Redondo Beach to Los Osos. I'm takin' you with me!
radio elko 24/7
Big Pine California. Refugee from the coast. I might be the guy Bruce heard about the station from.
Monterey California. I clicked on a link for a Delorean Snowmobile. Fatty since the 70s.
Listening from Ottawa Canada.
Heard about this station from a guy I know from listening to KPIG since 2002.